Saturday, August 6, 2011

Flappy Meal

Catching by Spider
A golden orb weaver spider managed to ensare a chestnut breasted mannikin finch in its web in a garden near Atherton, Australia. The giant spider would have then proceeded to inject the struggling bird with venom to prepare it for eating, and wrap the corpse into a food parcel, as it would be too much for the spider to eat in one sitting.

golden orb weaver spider can grow larger than a human hand and usually prey on large insects, so it is highly unusual to see one catching a bird.
In Web

Incy Wincy Spider

The tiny "Happy-face" spider can be found in the rain-forests of only four islands in the world-Oahu. Molokai, Maui and Hawaii. Measuring around 1/5 in(5mm), no one really knows why the colorful patters on the spiders' backs look like happy faces.

One theory is that the patterns evolved to confuses is nevertheless under threat from a growing number of animals that have been introduced to the islands. Perhaps they need to evolve a scary face!

Snake Foot

       This snake was discovered in China in 2009 with a single clawed foot growing out from its body. The 16-in-long(40cm) mutant reptile was found by Duan Qiongxiu clinging to the wall of her bedroom in Suining with its talons.

      Mrs. Duan was so scared that she beat the snake to death with her shoe. Growing a foot is a very rare mutation for a snake-they more frequently grow two heads and scientists are working to find out if the foot evolved from changes in the snake's environment.